518 452-3470

Saratoga Performing Arts Center Upgrades | Saratoga Springs, New York

Client: Saratoga Performing Arts Center (SPAC)
Project Size: 31,815 sf
Completion Date: November, 2020
Construction Cost: $9.5 million
Client Contact: Jay Lafond, CFO - (518) 584-9330

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In front of the stage and lawn area of the Saratoga Performing Arts Center (SPAC), the removal and replacement of the existing
tent concessions and toilet facilities were necessary because they had become undersized and were well beyond their useful life
expectancy. HHA, in conjunction with MLB Construction Services, LLC, provided Design Build Services for new concessions, event
space, and toilet facilities for the complex. Three buildings were erected on this site to meet the needs of the facility.

  • Main Concessions’ building: 5,000 sf commercial kitchen, 2,300 sf concession space, 4,000 sf office space, 7,000 sf
    interior/exterior event space between a large meeting room and outdoor roof terrace, and 159 new toilets/urinals;
  • Small Concessions’ building: 1,000 sf commercial kitchen, 1,400 sf concession space, 29 new toilets/urinals;
  • Open air 3,200 sf pavilion that can be utilized for additional event space or concession space providing more flexibility.

Partnering with the Saratoga Performing Arts Center, The Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation, and The State
Historic Preservation Office, the Design-Build Team provided new facilities that will meet the present and future needs of SPAC.