518 452-3470

Hometown Health Centers Dental Clinic | Schenectady, New York

Client: Hometown Health Centers
Project Size: 12,700 sf
Completion Date: 2023
Construction Cost: $4.6 million
Client Contact: Mr. Tim Starr, CFO ? (518) 688-3432

Hometown Health Centers sought to consolidate their dental services from two locations into one central location in Schenectady NY. An existing Walgreens pharmacy was purchased and selected as the location for their dental services. The new building will house 30 dental chairs with a mix of oral surgery rooms, single treatment, double treatment, and pediatric treatment rooms. Centrally located labs, sterilization, pan x-rays, clean and soiled rooms were located to minimize the amount of travel for staff so that treatment rooms could be stocked and turned over efficiently.

The existing building exterior was transformed via the implementation of new volumes applied to the building skin and a new vestibule addition along with new exterior finishes to rebrand the building for its new purpose and shed the architectural features of the previous pharmacy program. The site landscaping, parking, lighting, and utilities were upgraded for the project. New building systems were installed including mechanical units, emergency power generator, and electrical gear, and new under-slab sewer lines were also upgraded. HHA performed Architectural, Structural, Interior Design, and Project Management services for the project.